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    Категория: Плагины

    Quake Sounds

    Автор: bow

    Дата: 25 ноября 2008

    Просмотров: 14 427

    Комментариев: 0

    Quake Sounds

    Плагин добавляет quake звуки на сервер, даёт возможность каждому игроку настроить индивидуально звуки на сервере.
    Английское описание:
    This plugin plays Quake sounds. It currently has two separate sound sets, a normal set and female set. The sounds which are played and the events which trigger sounds can be configured. It allows users to have individual sound settings and saves these settings across sessions. It also displays localized text messages for each event. You can add or remove sound sets from the additional sound sets. This plugin currently supports Counter Strike:Source, Day of Defeat:Source and Half Life 2: Deathmatch.

    sm_quakesounds_version: The version number
    sm_quakesounds_enable: Enables the plugin
    sm_quakesounds_announce: Enables the plugin announcement
    sm_quakesounds_text: The default text setting for new users
    sm_quakesounds_sound: The default sound setting for new users
    For full descriptions check the cfg/sm_quakesounds.cfg file


    quake-sounds1.8.zip [0 b] (cкачиваний: 7812)
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