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    Napalm Nades 1.2

    Автор: bow

    Дата: 24 ноября 2008

    Просмотров: 4 736

    Комментариев: 0

    Это плагин делает Напалм гранату, хорошо подходит для Zombie мода


    * Mods: Counter-Strike 1.6 or Condition-Zero
    * AMXX: Version 1.8.0 or later
    * Modules: FakeMeta, HamSandwich

    * Extract .amxx file to your plugins folder, and add its name to plugins.ini
    * Extract flame.spr to the "sprites" folder on your server
    * To change models or sounds, open up the .sma with any text editor and look for the customization section. When you're done, recompile.


    * say /napalm - Buy a napalm grenade (when override is off)


    * napalm_on - Enable/Disable Napalm Nades
    * napalm_affect - Which nades should be napalms (1-HE // 2-FB // 3-SG)
    * napalm_team - Determines which team can buy/use napalm nades (0-both teams // 1-Terrorists only // 2-CTs only)
    * napalm_override - If enabled, grenades will automatically become napalms without players having to buy them
    * napalm_price - Money needed to buy a napalm (when override is off)
    * napalm_buyzone - If enabled, players need to be in a buyzone to purchase a napalm (when override is off)

    * napalm_radius - Napalm explosion radius
    * napalm_hitself - If enabled, napalms will also affect their owner
    * napalm_ff - If enabled, napalms will also affect teammates
    * napalm_spread - If enabled, players will be able to catch fire from others when they touch
    * napalm_keepexplosion - Wether to keep the default CS explosion

    * napalm_duration - How long the burning lasts in seconds
    * napalm_damage - How much damage the burning does (every 0.2 secs)
    * napalm_cankill - If set, burning will be able to kill the victim
    * napalm_slowdown - Burning slow down, set between: 0.1 (slower) and 0.9 (faster). Use 0 to disable.
    * napalm_screamrate - How often players will scream when on fire (lower values = more screams). Use 0 to disable.

    napalm_nades_12.zip [0 b] (cкачиваний: 1380)
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