Цитата: EKS
Runemod это серверная модификация, подерживаемая AmxModX, которая размещает по всей карте руны, которые должен поднимать игрок.Runemod включает в себя множество уникальных полномочий, добавив дополнительный элемент и много веселья в игру.
Список плагинов пересислять не буду, так-как их огромное кол-во, единственное что хочу сказать, мне это напоминает чем то Warcraft, но со своей изюминкой)))
a == Runes bounce
b == Update spawnvector file with new spawn points ( Dont disable unless you know what your doing )
c == Update spawn points based on player movment ( Dont disable unless you know what your doing )
d == Remove runes and round end
e == Public message saying what runes where spawned
f == Prevent runes from spawing to close to one another
g == Automaticly spawn change the number of runes spawned, based on the amount of players on the server. With this option enabled: sv_runes becomes the minimaly spawned runes, with it off. It becomes the maximum spawned runes
h == Only 1 of every rune allowed 1 point in time
i == Spawn every rune(Thats not in use)
j == DM based spawning ( This means runes are spawned based on time, not when round starts or ends )
k == Does extra checks on new rune spawnpoints, making sure its not to close to other spawn points
l == When looking at runes, show the rune name center of screen
m == Clients automaticly drop old runes,when they walk on a new rune
sv_runes *number*
команда для админа
amx_rmc reload/pause/unpause/enable или disable
amx_rmc reload/pause/unpause/enable или disable
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